Ancestors of

Thomas WOLCOTT Jr and Catherine SACKETT

Husband Thomas Wolcott Jr

           Born: 1726 - Tolland, Windham, CT, USA
           Died: Abt 1792 - Amenia, Dutchess, NY, USA
       Marriage: 1754

Wife Catherine Sackett

           Born: Abt 1724-1733 - , Ulster, NY, USA

         Father: John Sackett
         Mother: Elisabeth Masten

1 M Luke Wolcott

           Born: 1755
           Died: 1813 - Cazenovia, Madison, NY, USA
         Spouse: Lydia Conant
           Marr: 1772 - South Amenia, Dutchess, NY, USA
         Spouse: Jerusha Bailey
           Marr: 1785 - Sharon, Litchfield, CT, USA

2 F Esther Wolcott

           Born: 1757 - , Dutchess, NY, USA

3 F Eleanor Wolcott

           Born: 1762 - , Dutchess, NY, USA

4 M Thomas Wolcott

           Born: 1764 - , Dutchess, NY, USA
         Spouse: Silence Cummings
           Marr: 22 Aug 1791 - Dover, Dutchess, NY, USA 120
         Spouse: Rachel Hackett
           Marr: 1798 - Northampton, Montgomery, NY, USA

5 F Catherine Wolcott

           Born: 1766 - Amenia, Dutchess, NY, USA

6 F Rachel Wolcott

           Born: 1768 - Amenia, Dutchess, NY, USA
           Died: 1789 - Tolland, Hampshire, MA, USA

7 M Roger Wolcott

           Born: 1770 - Amenia, Dutchess, NY, USA
           Died: 1804 - , Washington, NY, USA

8 F Miriam Wolcott

           Born: 1772 - Amenia, Dutchess, NY, USA
           Died: 1792

General Notes (Husband)

In 1759 and 1760, Thomas Wolcott was elected "pender" of Crum Elbow Precinct, which included Northeast and Amenia townships. In 1760 he purchased property on Wetbutuck Creek in Amenia Township, including a sawmill and dam, and privilege of a grist mill, in 1762 he was appointed Overseer of Highways at the first town meeting of Amenia; his widow and son, Luke, sold the land at Amenia with dwelling and blacksmith shop in 1774; the blacksmith shop was still standing in 1996. Thomas m. Catherine Sackett, sometimes said to be daughter of Richard Sackett. This is in error as she was b. 1702, 24 years before Thomas, and her youngest child would have been born at age 60. Richard Sackett's will dated 1744 and proved 1746 leaves a bequest to his daughter, Catherine, "during her widowhood". In a court case regarding her father's will she is called Catherine Margeson, which was apparently her married name. Thomas' wife was probably Catherine, b. c.1720, daughter of Catherine's brother, John Sackett. - Wolcott Family Society

Thomas Wolcott and John Sackett had a disagreement while Thomas was building his house on land leased from Cadwallader Colden in 1749, leading to years of litigation between Colden and Sackett. "Meanwhile in 1754, Thomas Woolcott married John Sackett's daughter, Catherine. Together, they had seven children, including Luke who was born in 1755. Either Thomas patched up his squabble with his future father-in-law, or the squabble was a sham to begin with. If Colden knew of his tenant's marriage, he must have been scratching his head." - Preston Mt

See footnotes. 120,224

General Notes (Wife)

Catherine's mother Elisabeth, b 1707, would likely not have a dau as early as 1720. I do not yet find Catherine's birth record, but brothers Ritsert [b 1734] and Ezechiel [b 1737] are baptised Kingston Dutch Reformed Church as is Elisabeth. I see Elisabeth's name as witness on several other baptisms; possibly Catherine has other siblings for whom the alternate surname spellings are difficult to recognize, or it could be that "Jan Sekket" not being Dutch, did not get his family up to church in Kingston regularly. However, I do think Catherine likely is born between 1725 and 1737. - Kingston DRC 128

Richard SACKETT and Margery L SLEADE

Husband Richard Sackett

           Died: 1746 - , Dutchess, NY, USA
       Marriage: 11 May 1699 - New York, New York, NY, USA 225

Wife Margery L Sleade


1 M Richard Sackett

           Born: 1701
         Spouse: Mary

2 M John Sackett

           Born: Abt 1702
         Spouse: Elisabeth Masten

3 F Catherine Sackett

         Spouse: Margeson

4 F Mary Sackett

         Spouse: Dean

5 M Josiah Crego Sackett

         Spouse: Douglas

General Notes (Husband)

"Capt. Richard Sackett, 16__-1746, of New Haven, New York City, and Dover, Dutchess County, N.Y., son of Jonathan and Hannah ______ Sackett , appears to have been employed in early life, for considerable period, in the forests of New England to have there learned how tar was extracted from pine trees. In 1699 he was a resident of New York City and the proprietor of a malt house or brewery. This malt house was located on the north side of Cherry Street, which at that time was known as Sackett Street, having been named for said Richard Sackett." [All intervening paragraphs between this and last paragraph cited to Sacketts of America are quoted directly from this same source.] - Sacketts of America

"On May 11, 1699, a marriage license was issued in New York City authorizing the marriage of Richard Sackett and Margery L. Sleade.

At about the same date Richard Sackett was commissioned Captain of the 7th Company of the New York City regiment commanded by Colonel William Peartree. This company was composed in the main of prominent young business men and Capt. Sackett commanded it for several years.

On March 11, 1703, Capt. Sackett petitioned the Lord Cornbury Government for permission to purchase from the Indian proprietors a certain tract of land in Dutchess County, called Wassaic. The license petitioned for was duly granted, the purchase from the Indian proprietors was made, and a patent for same, covering 7,500 acres, was issued to Richard Sackett and Company (Richard Sackett, Josiah Crego, Joseph Sackett, William Huddleson and John Mitchell), bearing date Nov. 2, 1704.

At the time of which we are writing Capt. Sackett was enjoying marked prominence and popularity in both government and social circles, and his name appears frequently in official records of both New York and Connecticut.

The records of Connecticut General Assembly, under date of May, 1705, contain the following minute: "Mr. Richard Sackett, of the Province of New York, petitions this Assembly for full liberty for himself and associates to get and transport all such timber of pine and spruce and whatever growing in this colony, that might be of use in furnishing his Majesty's navy, and that he might have a patent for the same. Referred to the next General Assembly to be holden at New Haven in October next."
At said October session the above petition, having been modified by the insertion of certain limitations and conditions, was favorably considered, and a resolution ordering the issue of a patent accordingly was duly passed.

In the Census of the City of New York, taken about 1708, Richard Sackett is shown to have resided in the East Ward, and to have a household consisting of himself, his wife, four children (two sons and two daughters), and four negro slaves (three male and one female).

In 1711 Mr. Sackett settled his family permanently in Dutchess County, building his residence about one mile south of the present village of Wassiac. French, in his "Gazetteer of New York." says that Richard Sackett purchased several large tracts of land of the Indians in Dutchess County and in Sharon, Connecticut. P. H. Smith, in his "History of Dutchess County." says that "at the time Richard Sackett established his family in Amenia there was not another white family nearer than Paughkeepsie. Woodbury and New Milford." In other words within a radius of fifteen miles.

In same year, 1711, Governor Hunter, somewhat in opposition to the Lords of Trade, who favored another person, appointed Mr. Sackett superintendent of the manufacture of naval stores in the Province of New York, and subsequently of New Jersey also.

Mr. Sackett was also one of the presiding officers of the "Court over Palatines," appointed by "His Excellency, Brigadier Hunter, Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief," to manage the affairs of the several Palatine villages within his jurisdiction. The extraordinary powers conferred on this court are shown in the warrant creating it, which is recorded on page 669, Vol. III, Documentary History of New York, and reads as follows:
To Robert Livingston, Richard Sackett, John Cast, Godfrey Wilson, Andrew Bagg and Herman Schumeman, Esqrs. and the officers commanding the detachment of soldiers at Manor Livingston for the time being:
By virtue of powers to me granted by her Majesty's Patent, and her particular instructions with relation to the Palatines within the Province of New York, who by her Majesty's orders and their own contract are obliged to follow the manufacture of naval stores within the said Province, I do appoint you or any three of you (of which number Robert Livingston or Richard Sackett is always to be one), to be a court for regulating and forwarding the said work, with full power to take cognisance of all misdemeanors, disobedience, or other wilful transgressions in the said people to confinement or corporal punishment, not extending to life or mutilation. You are also hereby impowered to nominate to each village or settlement of the said Palatines a fit person for the head of the said village or settlement to whom all your orders are to be directed, and who is to see them put in execution, and in case of tumult, disobedience of any other mutinous proceeding as have already fallen out, the officer commanding the detachment now at Manor Livingston is to assist you, if need be, toward the suppressing the same, preserving the public peace and securing the delinquents, in order to their being brought to Royal and condign punishment, for all which this is your sufficient warrant.
Given at Manor Livingston this present 12th June 1711.
R. Hunter

In 1715, Richard Sackett was, on recommendation of Judge Leonard Lewis, made the first clerk of Dutchess County, which office he held until 1721.

On Nov. 29, 1722, it is recorded that Richard Sackett petitioned the New York Assembly for "a warrant of survey, to run the north line of Madam Brett's patent, his land lying adjacent thereto (in Dutchess County)."

In 1732 the General Assembly of Connecticut granted a charter to "The New London Society, United for Trade and Commerce," in which Richard Sackett is named as one of the incorporators.

Among the acts passed by the New York Colonial Assembly at session of 1734-5, was one "For the partition and division of a certain tract of land in Dutchess County, granted to Rip Van Dam, Richard Sackett, and others." A full account of proceedings taken under this act, together with copies of official maps, showing the specific allotments in this thirty-five mile trace, may be found in the "History of Little Nine Partners," by Isaac Hunting, of Pine Plains, N.Y., issued from the press of Charles Walsh & Co., Amenia, N.Y., in 1897.

Capt. Richard Sackett died at Wassaick in 1746, and is buried in a private plot on a small rise of ground on the original Sackett Homestead farm at that place. Van Alstine in his "Burying Grounds of Sharon & Vicinity," referring to this particular plot, says: "This is a small enclosure on the hillside above the steel works, on the old road, half way between South Amenia and Wassiack. Here was buried in 1746, Mr. Richard Sackett, the earliest settler of Anemia. The stone that marked the spot has long since disappeared. The whole place is shamefully neglected."

The will of Capt. Sackett was probated April 28, 1746, and was recorded both at Albany and New York City. It reads as follows:
In the name of God Amen. Dec. 14, 1744. I Richard Sackett, of Dover in Dutchess, County, yoeman, being sick ...... leave to my wife Margery all Household goods, and the use of my lot, house and Orchards, during her widowhood, and then to my son John Sackett. I leave to my oldest son Richard Sackett 200 acres of land above his equal share as oldest son. I leave to my wife 50 acres to be at her disposal. I leave to my son John after my wife's decease my house, homestead, orchards and meadows and all my books. I leave to my sone Josiah Crego, and to the heirs of my daughter Mary Dean deceased, and to my daughter Catherine during her widowhood, and to my sons Richard and John the whole of my remaining estate, each an equal part, and they are to pay equally in defending the title. I make my wife Margery and my sons Richard and John executors. [Underscores added for clarity.]

The later years of the life of Capt. Sackett were attended with great annoyance occasioned by suits at law brought by persons claiming title to his estate, or the greater part of it, by virtue of grants or patents which it was claimed antedated those held by him." - Sacketts of America 226

Philip WOLCOTT and Ellen SHERMAN

Husband Philip Wolcott

           Born: Abt 1838

         Father: Thomas Judd Wolcott
         Mother: Jane Dewitt Burton


Wife Ellen Sherman

           Born: Abt 1841 - , , NY, USA

         Father: Zephaniah Sherman
         Mother: Lucy Hancock

General Notes (Husband)

Age 12, b CT in 1850 and age 32, b NY in 1870. - Census Dover NY 227

General Notes (Wife)

Ellen is counted in 1850 with the Sherman's in Otselic and then again 12 days later with her brother-in-law Perry Wolcott's family in Lincklaen. [Perry and her husband are cousins.] In 1860 she is enumerated under her maiden name in her parents' household, but given a mark in the column married within the year, so likely they were married in 1860. This census was taken Jun 12, and census day was Jun 1--it seems likely that she was Ellen Sherman on Census Day but by Jun 12 the family knew she was married within the year [attempt to find mar rec to doc.] She is enumerated twice in 1860 also - once in her parents' household and also Jun 7, as Wolcott, in sister-in-law Mary J Lee's home - noted married within the year here also, but Philip is not found. In 1870 She and "Phillip Wolcut" are found in her mother's home in Dover, three brothers also in residence. - Census Otselic NY, Lincklaen NY and Dover NY 104,164,228,229

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